High-pressure washing - a clean workplace is a fire-safe workplace
High-pressure washing is suitable for the cleaning of large surfaces and deep-set dirt on facades, roofs, walls, and floors. Several industrial processes require regular cleaning and flushing in order to function correctly. High-pressure washing is used on ships to clean e.g. tanks, chimney shafts and engine rooms.
Our powerful industrial washing machines can handle even the toughest jobs. Our washing container with a water tank and a 40 kW generator functions without electricity and water and is suitable for use in most locations. Our operations are certified according to ISO 14001, and we exclusively use environmentally friendly detergents.
High-pressure washing is not only an efficient method to get rid of dirt; a well-cleaned workplace is also a fire-safe workplace with a lower risk of personal injuries. Slippery floors increase the risk of slip accidents, and a large number of dust particles in the working environment are detrimental to health.
Our work is preventive. After we are done with cleaning, risk factors associated with personal safety, environment, and fire safety are eliminated. At the same time, this eliminates the costs that may arise if the cleaning is insufficient or not done regularly.
We provide high-pressure washing in many areas, for example:
- cleaning of vessels
- industrial cleaning
- facade and roof washing